6 years ago
Friday, May 15, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Row row Row your boat~
Yesterday went to play dragon boat at Malacca river.
It was my first training, so I thought it would be very tough.
Well, it's not that tough and just a little bit tiring but it was so FUN!
At first, was not used to the rowing style, but once you got it, it is quite easy.
Today's morning just went for the second training.
We rowed till the museum ship which located nearby to Melaka Raya.
The water over there is much more CLEANER than the starting point.
When we were on the way back, the city started to have crowds.
We could see some chicks at the river side.
Haha, it gave motivation!!
But it was so bad because BOTAK Khoon asked for a speed training abd during the strokes, a tour boat passed by and I heard the girls' cheers!!!
At the moment, I so wished that our boat was just following the flow >.<
But still, I lifted up my head to have a look. haha :P
After that, we saw public toilet and we stopped and up to the side and everyone started to have fun at the area for a few minutes. (The pictures will be uploaded once I got it)
Next, we saw a malay stall and BOTAK Khoon asked to stop and we went to have our tea time. Wakakaka, can imagine how smelly were us after rowing for the whole morning and the sweat mixed with the dirty river water? But, who cares? As least we had fun :P
When we were almost back to the starting point, we saw another boat and we asked for a race.
Haha, we won but the timing and technique are still a big room to improve.
Anyway, it did motivate us for the coming tournament on 31st of May.
Although, I was late and not selected to be in the first team, but at least I will try to show some fights with the second team during the tournament. Haha, waiting for the next tournament after May's and first team gonna have a place for me :P
P/S: Dragon boat is fun but exam is coming in 1 week time. The preparation still 0% >.<
It was my first training, so I thought it would be very tough.
Well, it's not that tough and just a little bit tiring but it was so FUN!
At first, was not used to the rowing style, but once you got it, it is quite easy.
Today's morning just went for the second training.
We rowed till the museum ship which located nearby to Melaka Raya.
The water over there is much more CLEANER than the starting point.
When we were on the way back, the city started to have crowds.
We could see some chicks at the river side.
Haha, it gave motivation!!
But it was so bad because BOTAK Khoon asked for a speed training abd during the strokes, a tour boat passed by and I heard the girls' cheers!!!
At the moment, I so wished that our boat was just following the flow >.<
But still, I lifted up my head to have a look. haha :P
After that, we saw public toilet and we stopped and up to the side and everyone started to have fun at the area for a few minutes. (The pictures will be uploaded once I got it)
Next, we saw a malay stall and BOTAK Khoon asked to stop and we went to have our tea time. Wakakaka, can imagine how smelly were us after rowing for the whole morning and the sweat mixed with the dirty river water? But, who cares? As least we had fun :P
When we were almost back to the starting point, we saw another boat and we asked for a race.
Haha, we won but the timing and technique are still a big room to improve.
Anyway, it did motivate us for the coming tournament on 31st of May.
Although, I was late and not selected to be in the first team, but at least I will try to show some fights with the second team during the tournament. Haha, waiting for the next tournament after May's and first team gonna have a place for me :P
P/S: Dragon boat is fun but exam is coming in 1 week time. The preparation still 0% >.<
Thursday, May 7, 2009

抗癌 之母 ─ 莊淑旂博士 生於 1922 年,今年 82 歲了
女生月經來時為何不能洗頭?很早以前就常聽到老一輩的人這樣規勸,我們這些不怕 死的年青人,因為問他們:為什麼不行?
沒人回答得出來,只說:那是以前人 經驗累積的告戒,不聽的話,以後老了妳就會知道!所以就這樣,一直覺得那可能是古 早環境不好,沒有像我們現在有吹風機,洗好馬上吹乾,應該就沒事了 … 想不到 …… 看了這篇文章後, 才知道不是有沒有吹乾的問題。
各位不論妳是小 女孩還是大女人,都應該要注意,不要洗頭就對了。男生收到也看一看,跟你有關的女 人都應該讓他知道這個正確觀念才是 !
臺灣的女醫學博士莊淑旂女士,在日本留學潛心研究發現,她 以中國醫理的根基研究醫學,先後在日本慶應大學修得藥理博士、醫學博士,她對日本 癌症患者三萬人的病發前的生活調查發現,絕大多數的癌症患者均有極端的偏食習慣, 並在調查中有驚人的發現,
大 多數的乳癌及子宮 癌患者,喜歡在月信來潮時,洗頭髮、提重東西、或產後不注意調養或吃冰冷食物,致 子宮收縮不完全,而使體內賀爾蒙分泌不平衡,長久累積而致癌 。由於這項發現, 莊 博士乃潛心研究女性月信期間生理調理的 方法,在日本發表改善月信期間飲食法,與 改變生活方式療法,結果 使許多日本婦女因乳癌、子宮癌症及得患其它癌症開刀者,因飲食、生活的改善,而使 癌症不再發。
現在這個療法已在日本被廣為宣傳,每年有數萬人因 而得救,這個方法就是,在月經期不能洗頭,她說古老的時侯,婦女們都知道月經期間不能洗頭,將之傳給她的女兒媳婦,但不知其原因,有許多現代人總以為科學發達,古 老的說法無憑據,不信,結果竟得乳癌
莊 博士說:以往 子宮大量出血的婦女,在婦科未發達以前,她們都不願找 醫師看病,而有一個自療方法,即是將頭髮用水打濕,則子宮收縮,血立刻止掉。因為這個原理,她發現,月經來潮時,不能洗髮,不能吃冰冷食物,以免讓排出的 污血未排 淨,而殘留在子宮之內,日積月累,賀爾蒙分泌失調,而有乳癌、子宮癌的發生,除了不洗髮,不吃 冰冷食物外,如月信來潮前會有頭暈、脹奶、便泌者,這是癌症的前兆,預防方法可依體型用黑糖、蓮藕、蘿葡、薏仁等,熬湯飲之,則可防止癌細胞的發展,達到 最佳的預 防方法。
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